If you are looking for a career in the arts, the training that you get here is second to none. We do three challenging musical productions a year, in addition to a Shakespeare festival. You get so much exposure to different works 和 techniques that by the time you are going to college, 你有信心试镜并取得成功.”

在音乐剧系, 学生们掌握了三种不同的讲故事方式:声音, 跳舞, 和代理.

While many graduates of The Academy attend highly regarded BFA conservatory programs in musical theatre or acting, others choose to pursue their training in academic BA programs at liberal arts colleges.

A broad sampling of recent 音乐剧 graduates’ college placements include, 但不限于, 西北大学, 纽约大学, AMDA, 卡内基梅隆大学, 明尼苏达大学格思里分校, 爱默生, 曼哈顿音乐学院, 斯坦福大学, 普林斯顿大学, 查普曼, 新学派, 波士顿音乐学院, 卡尔艺术, 印第安纳州, 伊利诺斯州卫斯理, 南加州大学, 伯克利音乐学院, 罗斯福, 哥伦比亚大学芝加哥, 韦伯斯特, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 和谢南多厄河谷.

音乐剧学生由芝加哥的专业人士教授, working out in the city on their own art as they impart wisdom to students based on their own professional training 和 experience. 除了系的固定教员, a rotating roster of guest artists means that the lighting designer or choreographer of the fall show is working with Academy students in between gigs at any of Chicago’s most reputable 和 innovative professional theaters.

音乐剧专业学生, 表现是学习的关键部分, 学生有充足的机会. 该部门每年制作四到五部主要的舞台表演, including two musical theatre productions 和 several plays as part of our annual Shakespeare Festival in collaboration with the 剧院 Department.

最近的音乐剧作品包括 春天的觉醒, 小夜曲, 九个, 合唱的台词, 走进森林, 神魂颠倒, 彭赞斯海盗, 星期天和乔治在公园, 一个无足轻重的人, 任何事情都可能发生, 埃德温·德鲁德之谜, 我们快乐地前进. 我们最近的莎士比亚节的标题包括 威尼斯商人, 《辛白林》, 《大发彩票平台登录》, 冬天的故事, 皆大欢喜, 罗密欧与朱丽叶, 尤利乌斯•凯撒, 第十二夜, 哈姆雷特,麦克白.


此外,该署亦会制作一些作品,供市民在社区内执行. 在过去的两年里, 音乐剧 seniors produced 和 toured the 剧院 for Young Audiences musical Seussical, 和莎士比亚的 《仲夏夜之梦


